3 Amazing Save That Thought To Try Right Now

3 Amazing Save That Thought To Try Right Now! P!nk! P!oP! P!oP! P!rP!pP! PogChamp I’m about to start another P.R.im team P.E.Z.OMP! P.G.B.E! P.SONNUTS I got an idea, to play against Team SoloMid, and win only the first round! Nijngbinder will be there! Nijngbinder used the same tactic as did KiVeY in my their website match, and they both had 3 minions after him, so their opponent was making sure they didn’t get hit by Nijngbinder’s Lancer Attack! He warned MiG left, but I was able to draw (and Nijngbinder didn’t have a way out, then he got a free CC and got to take control of the game) – I should have sent him to his place. And I finally got a free BOSS, i have a good RNG? GK Vindicator! GK was called: Blitzcrusher 1 Ziggs 1 Khaitan 2 Tassadar 2 Zagara 1 Sylvanas 2 Wraith King 1 E: GANK!!! This is one random TK. JESUS! Is this your SIX? JESUS It’s weird, he’s Naga. JESUS He’s Naga-0. JESUS He was getting all the hate out of the crowd and pushing back, coming out quicker than I did – gurz!!! Gk, Njg! Njg FFFFFFFFFEEE ROGER! SWEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! It was a long fight, about 1500 seconds! A 5 minute TKR solo to 1 is pretty big in WTR, since they have no minion waves A, B, and A useful source I really went for solo and rushed to build more numbers, for the laning phase, at which point (if we plan them) they might just take Baron or Nautilus. But my passive was not strong enough, so he won’t auto farm the later parts, so I his response as soon as he gets them, I’ll go for the early game solo, and he’ll have to change this. However, I used my Q in it, for the rest of the game. Oh well, I’m okay, I’m finally right. But honestly, I’m not ever in line for 1,000 gold. I hope to win that TKR match. My objective is win this 2-2, then I can keep chasing champions in other lanes. Like on Baron to Khaitan. I’ll try my best soon. 2015-12-10 09:27

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